
Welcome to the Technical Copywriter...

“I can wholly, unequivocally and without reservation recommend working with you, Russ. I speak five languages, and I don’t think I can find the words in any to make that statement any stronger or more sincere.”

Jonty Yamisha, CEO, The Kabardian Group

And that's what I bring to the table.

Before I introduce myself fully, I want to assure you that you're in the right place.

If you're looking for an experienced technical copywriter who's helped many dozens of clients across many industries, then you'll be pleased to hear that you are in exactly the right place. Conversely, if you're not, thanks for visiting, have a look around if you've got time, and if you ever need an experienced and professional technical copywriter, then here I'll be.

Clients have told me that one of their biggest problems is sourcing the best people. It's one of their major risks and, more often than not, when they've got it wrong, it's proved expensive in more ways than one.

I get that. That's also why I don't want to waste 1 second of your time.

With that in mind, you can quickly check out what others have said about me and my work (below) and, if this is of interest, I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards,


Great, you're still here. So let me introduce myself properly...

Hi, I'm Russ, a native Brit, and I've been a technical copywriter since 1999 (my About page, and more info, is here).

Having worked with many clients across a range of industries I'm delighted to admit that I've helped them achieve superb results.

You've already seen snippets of some client testimonials above. A little further down the page are what other former clients have also said about me.

Once you've got through them, I hope you know that you're now seeing someone who's a professional at what they do. One who not only does exactly what they say they're going to do, but also does so when they say they will and delivers—I don't miss deadlines.

(There are also a load more testimonials on the testimonials page, if you're so inclined.)

I trust this piques your interest.

You can check out the rest of my site at your leisure, of course. See who I've worked with, what industries and what services I offer.

(Note: I don't work with everyone - we need to be a good fit else it's not worth it for either of us.)

I'll reiterate again that I have zero inclination in wasting an iota of your time. Everything on this site is all solid and verified information. However, if you have any questions, or I've overlooked something, then feel free to get in touch—I'd truly appreciate it.

The fastest method is either in the chat box in the bottom right (it comes straight through to me) or you can book a 30-minute evaluation/orientation call, below.

Book a Call

Click here if you'd like to book a 30-minute video call to discuss the problem you're having. On that page, you'll be able to pick a time and date.

I very much look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,


(You can click on the images or the blue and gold text, below.)

Case Study

“Teach a man to fish...”

Case Study

“I cannot say enough great things about him...”

Case Study

“Thank you so much for all your amazing work, you have made a lot peoples lives a lot easier!”


“My experience with Mr. Crowley far exceeded my expectations.”


“We have learned so much through working with him...”


“His attention to detail was stellar...”


“Russ was a perfect resource for developing a fairly technical and complicated application training guide...”


“Russ was perfect for the task (and perfect for most tasks, I’d imagine)...”